Wishing all of our service users a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year
The Hull & Goole Port Health Authority is a Regulator under the Pollution Prevention & Control Act 1999 and the Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended). The Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Clean Air Act 1993 also provide legislative controls which are enforced by the Authority.
UK legislation is available on the Office of Public Sector Information website.
The Permitting Regulations deal with emissions of pollutants from industrial installations, these are categorised under the Regulations as Part A1, Part A2 or Part B processes.
Part A1 activities are regulated by the Environment Agency. Part A2 acitivities are regulated by the relevant Local Authority.
Part B activities regulated by Hull & Goole Port Health Authority are subject to the control of emissions to air only.
Noise complaints should generally be referred to the relevant local council Environmental Health Dept.
Our Public Register contains details of the Installations which are issued with an Environmental Permit to operate and are regulated by the Authority (See link on 'Our Service' page). Please contact the Chief Port Health Inspector Mrs Sally Johnson on 01482 324776 to arrange to view the register.
Each installation is issued with an Environmental Permit that contains legally binding conditions that the process operator must comply with. There are strict penalties for contraventions.
Please contact the Chief Port Health Inspector for free advice if you are considering the storing, handling, shipping of products which may require an Environmental Permit from this Authority - it is a prosecutable offence to handle certain specified products without a Permit.
Permits are subject to periodic review and the installations are inspected regularly by our Port Health Inspectors according to a risk assesment.
Complaints of pollution incidents should be referred to the Hull Office as soon as possible for the attention of the Chief Port Health Inspector or other duty Port Health Inspector.
The Chief Port Health Inspector has compiled a Guide for Operators Handling Dusty Cargoes in Ports and assistance in producing a site Dust Management Plan (DMP). This can be found within the Enforcement Policy via the link below.
Also available as an addition to the Enforcement Policy, is a leaflet - "Knowing about regulating pollution where you work"
Further details regarding Pollution Prevention & Control can be found on the DEFRA website.