Infectious Disease Control

The Hull and Goole Port Health Authority has responsibility for the control of infectious disease affecting the passengers and crew of vessels arriving within our area.

The Public Health (Ships) Regulations 1979 (as amended in June 2007), which reflect the provisions of the International Health Regulations 2005, are the legal base for these duties.

Masters of vessels from foreign ports MUST, by law, notify the Authority of any suspected infectious disease, death on board (other than by accident) or the presence of any animal or captive bird or mortality or illness among such animals and any other circumstances which are likely to cause the spread of infectious disease.

If a Master has anything to report he/she MUST, send a message to the Authority not more than 12 hours and not less than 4 hours before arrival.

See Contact Us page for details.

He/she must also complete a Maritime Declaration of Health and submit this to an officer of the Authority (see below).

If there is any doubt regarding any aspect of infectious disease control please contact us for advice.

Click here for a copy of our Maritime Declaration of Health.

We operate a 24 hour/7 day service to enable Masters to comply with the above legal notification requirements. See our Contacts page for details.

Our Port Medical Officers and Inspectors (EHOs) are on-call at all times. The UKHSA are the national lead body for port health medical matters. 

The World Health Organization has published the 2011 edition of International Travel & Health and provides information on all the main health risks to which travellers can be exposed during their journeys and at destinations. The full content can be downloaded from here.


In July 2007 the HPA (now UKHSA) published Practical Guidance on Controlling Outbreaks of Norovirus on Cruise Liners and this can be downloaded from their website 

For global disease outbreak news (with link to the International Health Regulations) visit the WHO website.

Specific guidance on Malaria prevention for travellers can be found on the Public Health England website.

Travel advice can be found at the National Travel Health Network and Centre website or or

Advice for cruise liner passengers and general ship hygiene advice can be found on the EU Shipsan website.

For advice on sexually transmitted disease please contact
Wilberforce Health Centre, Story St., Hull, Tel: 01482 336336 
